Select certificate type

1-2 day Medical Certificate ($$)
Medical certificate for work, study, or childcare.
1-2 day Carer's Certificate ($$)
Carers certificate for work, study, or childcare.
3-4 day Certificate ($$)
Medical certificates for 3-4 days are only available following a telehealth consultation with a GP.

After a telehealth consult with a GP? Click here.

All medical certificates are issued subject to the clinical opinion of the healthcare professional.

Is this a medical emergency?
  • Chest pain
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Bleeding
  • Broken bones
  • Severe pain
  • Feeling faint
  • Distress

Will this certificate have your name on it?

Great, who is this certificate for?

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Let's make sure it's you

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Are the details below correct?

Your verification code will be sent to your email

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If you have not received an email, please check your spam and trash folders.

Enter verification code

What is the detailed reason for the certificate? *

Max. length 150 characters

Which 1-2 days should the certificate cover? *

Review medical certificate details

The certificate is for:
Phone number:
Reason for the certificate:
Patient is unfit for:
Patient requires urgent medical treatment:
Patient's symptoms are mild:
Patient is experiencing a medical emergency:
Certificate is for:

Enter payment details

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Thank you!
Your medical certificate has been requested. An Our Sage healthcare professional will be calling you within an hour for a brief phone consultation before your Medical Certificate is sent to you. However, this may take slightly longer during evenings and weekends.
If you don’t receive a call from us within an hour of completing your transaction, please contact us via our Support Page: